LSV Lech-Stahl Veredelung company information

About LSV Lech-Stahl Veredelung GmbH

Steel is our lifeblood – this is who we are

LSV Lech-Stahl Veredelung GmbH was formed through the merger of two traditional bright steel companies in 2012. Lech-Stahl Veredelung in Oberndorf am Lech and Stahlveredelung Landsberg (SVL) were merged to become LSV Lech-Stahl Veredelung GmbH with its registered office in Landsberg am Lech. To realise new technologies, another site was established in 2019 close to the parent company Lech-Stahlwerke in Meitingen.

LSV Lech-Stahl Veredelung GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bavaria’s only steelworks, Lech-Stahlwerke GmbH in Meitingen. Both companies are part of the Max Aicher Foundation group of companies. Our parent company is one of our leading primary material suppliers, providing us with steel made from recycled scrap. Thanks to this company structure, we have access to the entire value chain and the associated expertise.

Around 300 employees at the three LSV sites are committed with heart and soul. Experience in the production of bright steel and steel refining accumulated over decades along with striving for the highest quality allow us to realise customer requirements and maintain close ties with our customers. Heart and soul also means reliability paired with qualification. Aside from technically sophisticated production facilities, our employees are the basis of our success.


Who we are – our sites

Landsberg am Lech site

LSV site in Landsberg am Lech, headquarters

More than 50,000 tons of bright steel in various refining and prefabrication stages are produced every year at the site in picturesque Landsberg am Lech. The focus is on the production of high-precision ground rack blanks and inductive single bar annealing. This is complemented by all typical bright steel processes at the highest level.

Oberndorf am Lech site

LSV site in Oberndorf am Lech

The calm community of Oberndorf am Lech in the Donau-Ries region is home to a fully modernised and expanded operation with an annual capacity of more than 80,000 tons.
High-technology bright steel production also forms the basis for the further refining of the products. Short section production and annealing systems at the highest technical level support in-depth value creation in the production chain.

Meitingen site

Newest LSV site in Meitingen

Our third production site in Meitingen has been operating since 2019. Next to open-air storage and the central warehouse of the parent company Lech-Stahlwerke, we produce steel in various refining and prefabrication stages on nearly 10,000 square metres in two bays. The newest LSV site features highly modern production lines and a motivated, flexible team with access to the many years of experience at the other two sites.


Who we are – our management

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Elke Dannenhauer
Born in 1964
With the company since 2012
Member of management since 2019
Commercial Management

Dipl.-Ing. Mario Reichert
Born in 1969
With the Max Aicher Group since 1998
Member of management since 2008
Technical Management

LSV General Management